To provide every student with cunductive environment Suitable to achive His/Her career goals, With a strong emphasis on personality development, and to offer the available learning resourses to gain quality education in all spheres of life.
To achieve this goal the institution offers a well planed campus in a pollution free environment, at pokhariput heart of city Bhubaneswar . Aesthetically built buildings, Well furnished classroom, Lecture theater, Library, Workshops, Laboratories, Indoor and and outdoor sports Facilities, Extracurricular Activities and Convenient & Well maintained Hostels are provided Separately for both boys and girls which offer an ideal environment for persuit of a professional career. The Mission is being accomplished in the sense that, 80% Students pass in first class.
Sri +2 Science College,Komand,Nayagarh
The institute named as Sri +2 Science College,Komand,Nayagarh Provides an ideal atmosphere for healthy academic pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. This institute is managed by sect under self finance scheme for both residental and day scholar programme.
The system and programme of Sri +2 Science College,Komand,Nayagarh imparts the excellent education and Teaching /Coaching under scientific methods in +2 science with the integrated programme for the students of all over Odisha.